Paritosh Sharma
2 min readMar 27, 2020


*This post will kill all fears of the Corona Virus.*

The virus is part of our ecosystem. It's not an alien phenomena.

*#1. Why Corona hit the world now?*

It's written in ancient Indian scriptures that the world is moving to aantrik and maantrik states. This is when ancient Indian knowledge of the 5 elements of nature will solve the world's biggest problems.

_Every human must know the 4 states : aantrik, maantrik, yaantrik an taantrik and how they impact the world._

This knowledge will help you see the world with clarity and prepare your family, your business.

In the coming years, people that think that this is all rubbish, will see this post come real in their lives.

*#2. How should you prepare your family for such realities of life?*

Everyone in your family must know - how to draw infinite positive energy from the 5 elements. This is the only path to reach the aantrik and maantrik state.

Get them their Panchabhoota chart.

*#3. How should you prepare your business for such realities of life?*

Your business is run by people and technology.

-Help your employees understand the oath of aantrik and maantrik states. Train them on how to follow the Panchabhoota chart.

*#4. Medicine can only halt a reaction. But your Panchabhoota will alter your personal state of body, mind and soul.*

Panchabhoota will create a path of calm, clarity and confidence for you.

_Tough times will come, but your energies will sense them coming way in advance._

You will survive and thrive.

I invite every human reading this post to make the Panchabhoota, their only religion.

Make the Panchabhoota, the basis of your family's and Businesses prosperity.

Get your Panchabhoota chart from Guru & Me and follow it. It's for you, till you are alive.

*#5. Corona is not to be fearful of. It's just an abnormality of energies. It's supposed to happen.*

It wont have the energy to cause you any harm if your energies are extremely high.

*Blessings. ओम् ।।*

